Ladies In Full Effect
Vision: Influencing lives through the philosophy of Christ
Mission: To minister, lead, and serve. To promote unity, education, and cohesion in our communities.

Thank you for visiting our site! ladies in full effect inc. has been established since 2005 in the Atlanta area of Georgia. this kingdom builder award recipient, non-profit organization encompasses 3 major philosophies:
1. outreach
2. enrichment
3. mentoring
we host community events and bring an array of education, interactive games, and music to our events. our community partners and participants expressed they love the way we engage the communities and our young people. our interactive games are purposeful to provide insight and object lessons to those who participate.
we also partner with other community organizations to interact with their participants. our motto is "we have the tools while you have the audience to be reached". we have had collaborations with greater piney grove Baptist church, summer hill after school program, grace temple Christian ministries, and more.
we donate to other organizations that have a great cause for the community. we also provide individual support to those that have been placed in our lives to help. this can include providing food, clothing, and some financial assistance.
our leaders are also music artist and counselors/coaches. for more information, visit our sister sites at: www.bookoflifemusic.com and www.irepresentlife.com
if you are interested in having ladies in full effect inc participate in your next community event or if you are interested in more information please contact us!

Churches (ex. youth conference and youth day, young adult ministry, etc.)
Community centers & recreation centers (after school programs and summer camps)
Group homes/ Children’s Shelters (ex. Focus groups)
Schools (ex. pep rallies, counseling groups, and drug awareness week)
Partnership with other mentor groups and youth programs
Juvenile and Youth detention Centers
Apartment and Housing Communities (Community Day event)
Adult programs (ex. Recovery, Rehabilitation, drug treatment)
Adult Study groups (ex. Bible study, seminars, focus groups)
LIFE coaching And much more! LIFE at your service

Connect with us and join us on social media for exciting updates and to catch all our upcoming events!